
There are two kinds of Indigenous governance structures, but Canada has been listening to just one.

If all the elected First Nations along the pipeline route signed agreements, why were there still protesters? The above question kept coming up again and again from observers who didn’t quite understand why a blockade was set up at the Unist’ot’en camp in northern B.C., preventing work to proceed on the Coastal GasLink pipeline. A deal was …

There are two kinds of Indigenous governance structures, but Canada has been listening to just one. Read More »

Decolonizing Aesthetics of the Witness Blanket

This chapter explores the intersection of feminist aesthetics and decolonization in the context of Artist and master carver Carey Newman’s acclaimed work, the Witness Blanket. The Witness Blanket is a national monument of the Indian Residential School Era. It is made of items collected from residential schools, churches, government buildings and other traditional structures across …

Decolonizing Aesthetics of the Witness Blanket Read More »

Editorial Remarks: Conversations with Indigenous Knowledges

A brief introduction to “Indigenous Knowledges,” a special issue of KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies that includes sixteen contributions in diverse formats, including multimedia. In these editorial remarks, the editors reflect on the discussions that led to the special issue, their responsibility to honour the work of contributors from many different nations and …

Editorial Remarks: Conversations with Indigenous Knowledges Read More »

The Witness Blanket: Responsibility Through and Ongoing Journey of Transformation

This chapter explores master carver Carey Newman’s ongoing journey of transformation. It demonstrates how his individual journey has seeded collective transformation and shifted Canadian consciousness, through a monumental art installation titled The Witness Blanket. This work has led to (more difficult to achieve) legal-structural change, enacted through ceremony in an innovative stewardship agreement between Carey …

The Witness Blanket: Responsibility Through and Ongoing Journey of Transformation Read More »

Everyday Indigenous Resurgence During COVID-19: A Social Media Situation Report

For Indigenous Nations on Turtle Island (Canada and the USA), the onset of COVID-19 has exacerbated food insecurity and adverse health outcomes. This situation report examines ways that Indigenous peoples on Turtle Island have met the challenges of the pandemic in their communities and their daily practices of community resurgence through social media. Drawing on …

Everyday Indigenous Resurgence During COVID-19: A Social Media Situation Report Read More »

Truthful Engagement: Making the Witness Blanket, an Ongoing Process of Reconciliation

This report from the field summarizes a conversation between Carey Newman and guest editor, Catherine Etmanski, which took place on January 12, 2018. The conversation focused on Carey’s work engaging people across Canada in a project titled The Witness Blanket. The Witness Blanket is a national monument of the Indian Residential School Era made of …

Truthful Engagement: Making the Witness Blanket, an Ongoing Process of Reconciliation Read More »